Wednesday, May 26, 2010

... get a heart attack in France

Today I got to sleep a little more in the morning, which is great when you're jet lagged and exhausted! Hunter, Anna and I left the dorm around 10 and we went to see the ISA office and got breakfast from a little Boulangeire down the street, it was amazing (pain au chocolat) and the proprietor of the shop was very nice. We then walked to the Metro with our b'fast and went to meet Tyler at the metro stop by his homestay house. We get out of the metro after a 30 minute ride and arrive in sketch place paris france. While waiting for tyler to get there we decided to run into a random store so as to get away from some of the creepy people and what store do we walk into? A walgreens-ish place that had pretty much everything. Oh how big was this store? well lets just say if Hansel and Gretel walked beside it they wouldn't need breadcrumbs to find there way back... Tyler found us and we went to the Church of the sacred heart which sits on this huge hill and in order to get there you have to walk up this enormous amount of steps, hense the heart attack, I swear people must just drop dead on these stairs. So we went into the church, no pictures and no talking, and it was beautiful! Behind the church is an artist community with restaurants outside so we walked around looking at all the paintings and then had lunch. The others had to go to class after that so we went to the metro and they went one way and I went the other, I walked around my dorm a little bit to check everything out. Then after their class we met in front of a cinema and got our tickets for Prince of Persia! We had a quick dinner and then saw the movie, in French you ask? No way, we saw it in version originale aka English with french subtitles. We then walked back to the metro and came home! Day 3 pictures are Here!

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