Thursday, May 27, 2010

... find the sweetest strawberries in the entire world

1. go to france
2. get on the orange tram
3. go to the random tiny shop by a random boulangerie
4. buy every dam strawberry they own
5. enjoy

We had a meeting today on how to LIVE in france not just STAY. Yes there is a difference...We learned where to shop for what and how to make travel arrangements and what tiny booklets to buy so we know everything going on in Paris. After that fabulous meeting I ran errands, I got a pillow that does not look and feel like the Eiffel Tower, thank goodness and I walked around a French bookstore and bought a couple notebooks for my classes. I then met Kelsey (from Austin!) at the Musee de Orsay and we walked around. Oh did I mention that it rained for the entire day? Yeah poured so the camera did not make it out of the bag very much but the pictures I did take arrrrrrrrreeeeee HERE! Anna and I walked around outside our dorm deciding what to grab for dinner when we went into the boulangerie referenced above and decided on Croque Monsieurs (basically grilled cheese with ham) and then went into the random tiny half a grocery store and decided on strawberries (for me) and raspberries (for Anna). It instantly became our new favorite food store in the entire world, sorry HEB, and we plan on becoming regulars at this tiny shop. I promise I will rememebr the name sometime...

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